Monday, October 10, 2005

it was probably never meant to be...

i was trying to find the CDs with all my work and projects that I did at university - I have an interview on Friday and they need to see my work but my website isn't finished ;(

it's been a year but i finally found the CDs... and they've all rotted x_x

It's my fault. I bought cheap CDs - the stacks of 100 for £20 at PC World

They didn't have a printed side and i didn't stick a label on them - they just had the bare aluminium

I NEVER touch the flat sides of a cd - there are fingerprints all over them

the aluminium has actually corroded to the pattern of the fingerprints!

It could only have been my little brother - he's been going through all my CDs looking for jpop videos to watch and you'd think he's shuffling cards by the way he handles them!!

So, I'm basically screwed. It's like I never went to university! I have no work to show for it...

The only things I have are the few pieces I've uploaded years ago and the couple of Hello! Project drawings I did over the summer x_x That's mighty impressive!

It's probably God's way of telling me to take the data entry job

I've also lost the SweetS album, episodes 24-28 of live-action Sailormoon, and the BoA with Britney Spears concert part 1

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