Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Something happy to write about

I can't think of anything >_<

This is one depressing blog

I think I'll wait until something good happens to me before I post again

That might be a long time haha

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I don't "need" another computer and I don't need software until I go freelance - what I really need right now is money to fix my house ;(

Almost very window has been smashed and my parents are tired of replacing them - we can't afford to anymore - we've been boarding them up and it looks a wreck

I live in a nice neighborhood - some people from Stoke even think it's posh! O_O

We're on the main road of the village and there used to be so many shops but now we're one of the only ones left. There used to be a grocers, a sweetshop, a bakery, an off-licence and even an ice-cream shop! Those are all gone now - they started to close one by one when the ASDA supermarket opened in 1990. The first one to go was the ice-cream shop ;-;

It's a pretty long road and the shops were spread out pretty evenly, but most of the shops are at the far end now and we're at the other end. There's a little sandwich shop and a tv repair shop that keeps us company.

The off-licence closed after they had a smash-and-grab and a load of their expensive bottles we're stolen. They used to have a really big window but it's been boarded up.

It's a quiet village so why was this happening?

Wilmot Drive - look it up. I even remember reading in the Sun a few years ago about it because it's so notorious. It's over a mile away from where I live and it's a horrible place - I've done deliveries there and you don't want to get caught there alone after dark =X

There was a large incident at the village youth centre a few months ago - i think i mentioned this before at the bbs. They had been causing trouble for several weeks - including our shop. They even smashed the window of the nice home-furnishing shop that always had a pretty window display - they used to have pretty cushions and curtains and stuff.

Anyway, the gang of youths decided to fight against the police and police dogs... are they complete idiots? A number of them were arrested and it turned out they all came from around Wilmot Drive. They come to cause trouble in our village because they have policemen patrolling their streets!

We need police patrols too! When we call the police they turn up hours later or don't even come out at all! One time we called the police and after about an hour they called us back and asked if there was still any trouble!! They didn't want to come down if the trouble makers had already gone! W.T.F!

There needs to be tougher laws on anti-social behaviour! Lock them all up!

We haven't had much trouble in the past two months - maybe the police have got it under control now? Could we replace the windows now without fear of getting them smashed in the same week?

It will cost from £1000 to over £3000 to get all the windows replaced...

Monday, October 10, 2005

only £699!!

that's how much Macromedia Studio 8 costs! that's excluding VAT though so it's really around £818 x_x

it's expensive but it has 5 programs: Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, FlashPaper and Contribute

i've never used FlashPaper or Contribute but they seem like useful things to have =/

when i save up enough money i'll buy it and then i could go freelance \:D/ but there'll probably be another new version by then XD

if i was to buy Flash, Dreamweaver and Fireworks separately it would cost me £1147!! that's £1340 including VAT x_x so buying the Studio 8 package is the best way to go

Adobe Creative Suite 2 costs £646 ;__; that includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, two other programs and some stock photos

I was wondering why the hell these programs are so expensive and it just came to me - if everybody could afford it then anyone could be a web/graphic designer! XD

But still, I wish they were less expensive ;(

it was probably never meant to be...

i was trying to find the CDs with all my work and projects that I did at university - I have an interview on Friday and they need to see my work but my website isn't finished ;(

it's been a year but i finally found the CDs... and they've all rotted x_x

It's my fault. I bought cheap CDs - the stacks of 100 for £20 at PC World

They didn't have a printed side and i didn't stick a label on them - they just had the bare aluminium

I NEVER touch the flat sides of a cd - there are fingerprints all over them

the aluminium has actually corroded to the pattern of the fingerprints!

It could only have been my little brother - he's been going through all my CDs looking for jpop videos to watch and you'd think he's shuffling cards by the way he handles them!!

So, I'm basically screwed. It's like I never went to university! I have no work to show for it...

The only things I have are the few pieces I've uploaded years ago and the couple of Hello! Project drawings I did over the summer x_x That's mighty impressive!

It's probably God's way of telling me to take the data entry job

I've also lost the SweetS album, episodes 24-28 of live-action Sailormoon, and the BoA with Britney Spears concert part 1

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I will never forgive him

Childhood Trauma #1

One day in primary school we had to design a treasure map - i think it was Year 4 (wow, i've been hung up on this since I was 8!). We were given a huge piece of paper - probably A2 size. We had all finished drawing our maps and it was time to colour it in. I was so proud of mine - it looked fantastic.

I would say I had a flair for design from an early age if there was a more macho way of saying "flair for design".

Anyway, the teacher from the class next door had to go do something for an hour so his class had to come into our room. Our teacher said they could help us colour our maps in.

Can you tell where this is going? XD

I was horrified. This little bastard comes and sits next to me and opens up his pencil case full of fluorescent markers!!! ;__;

My skull cave was bright pink, the sand was fluorescent yellow, my treasure boxes were green, the water was bright blue and he filled in my pirate ship with a black marker - he didn't even stay inside the lines u_u

We had to present our maps to the rest of the class afterwards and it LOOKED. LIKE. SHIT.

I'm not going to mention his name here but i will say that i have hated his guts ever since and i always will. It's not just this incident - he was a prick all through highschool as well

If by some chance that person is reading this: I HATE YOU! I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER!

Do I write too much?

At one time I never thought I'd even have a single blog but now I have two! I also never thought I'd write so much in one day... it's the most i've written ever since that day *cry* lol no, i'll tell you all about it tomorrow maybe - it's been over a year since it happened and I'm totally over it.. i think..

This blog is like cheap therapy or a sounding board for all the thoughts and feelings I've been bottling up... I blame Sabaku! I used to only have my goo blog and that was just for downloading mp4s! Now I have this one as well and I can't stop posting! I should be updating the goo blog grr!

I think I might write about things that keep me awake at night and childhood traumas - and I have many XD

I promise I won't get too emo >_<

I need another computer!

The first big purchase after I've got a job is definately a new computer. I've got two brothers and we only have 2 computers so it's not working out very well.

We've actually got a third computer that we bought in 1997, but we don't use it anymore because it's horrible and slow. It's kinda funny, I was still using it when I first started my Interactive Multimedia course at university in 2001, and I failed one of my projects because of it >_<

The thing only had a 1GB hard-drive - i had no room to install anything on there and it was slow as hell! The project I failed was about Flash - which is a bit ironic since it's now one of my strong points. I was so naive back then - I had no idea how where to get copies of the software or cracks for the trial versions.

I think it was also at a time where not everyone had a cd writer and people were afraid of copying the cds on the school computers XD I'd be directed to sites where they downloaded the software but I was on a 56k connection at home and there's no way i'm going to risk downloading programs and cracks at school XD

So, I ended up not finishing the flash animation because the trial version of Flash 5 ran out and I got a bad grade - i can laugh about it now lol...

I was a local student - a townie you might say - so i didn't live on or near the campus (maybe i should be called an "out-of-townie" lol) i couldn't really stay to use the computers in the evenings because i have to work for my parents >_<

When my student loan came through that November I went out and bought the most powerful machine i could get - I'm using it right now! I've been upgrading it and everything but I think it's time for a new one. The semester after that, i got broadband and i've never looked back! lol 56k should be outlawed!

The next year at around the same time, my new computer crapped out! What was I going to do! All my work was on there and it was a few weeks from the end of the semester deadline!

I went out and bought a laptop with my student loan...

Luckily I had backups of my work on disc, but I was without a computer for over a week so a few projects were rushed and I only got 7/15 for one of them ;(

It turned out that the power supply had blown and i just need a new one >_<

So that's the story of how I got my two computers. They've both crashed several times since then and one time with tragic, life-changing results ;-; But I'll leave that story for another day - tomorrow maybe, but let's finish this one..

We have two computers between three people and it's not working out. My house is not a democracy. Since I'm the only one without a job, I don't get to use the computers whenever I like. I can't help pay the bills or the broadband connection so they always use that against me. But I'm the only one who helps with the family business!! ;-;

You might be asking why I haven't just gone for a retail job sooner - that's a good question lol I don't know. Whenever I was at the job centre, every week they just said "Sorry, no design jobs today. Better luck tomorrow!" or something to that effect haha...

When they put me on the New Deal scheme they said I can't be choosy anymore - I have to go for any job they put infront of me.. mostly admin jobs. I've even signed up to 3 different agencies but still nothing. I apply to the admin jobs and I get rejected because I'm probably too old, over-qualified or not a woman (they probably want a female secretary to make their tea <_< ).

On that course I went on, I was advised to "dumb-down" my CV for office jobs - if they only require GCSEs (highschool qualification) then don't put that you have a degree on there! and it worked! it got me my first reply!

Er.. I've gone off track.. where was I? ^^; Oh yeah, once I get a job I can buy another computer and then there'll be no squabbling \:D/

UKOnline is messing me about! GRR!

We used to have 0.5mb broadband with Freeserve but then Gravi told me about UKOnline's 8mb broadband so we jumped at the chance and decided to switch.

The connection with Freeserve was actually a bit faster at 0.7mb. We were told we could only switch "like for like" and then we could upgrade. We found the 0.5mb connection was exactly that - only 0.5mb x_x

Then they said the 2mb and 8mb broadband was only for new customers because they can't upgrade people right now. >0 We switched to a slower connection ;-;

That was 6 months ago and now then sent us an email saying we can finally be upgraded - so we signed up for the 8mb again but they tell us that we're so far away from the exchange that it would be more like 4mb. We decide to go with the 2mb instead - it's 4 times as fast as what we've got now.

That was two weeks ago <_< They said we should expect our broadband to be upgraded around October 5th... 3 days ago

Now UKOnline is promoting a 24mb connection for under £30/month

I just want 2mb ;-;


I was on a course for the past two weeks (yeah, I've talked about this elsewhere - so sue me!). It was a course sponsored by the job centre designed to improve team building and communication skills - but i reckon it was also an intensive job-searching boot camp to make sure we were actually looking for jobs! XD You only get sent there if you haven't found a job in six months.

The first day was horrible - half of them were chavs who didn't even want jobs! >_<

I went shopping around Hanley in my lunch hour and there are sales on everywhere ^-^ My brother told me about a shop called Gemini that was having an "up to 75% off" sale and they sold genuine Burberry goods. He bought a pink Burberry scarf as a birthday present for a friend.

I thought maybe I should go buy some things as Christmas presents while they're cheap XD But when I got there they had jacked up the prices again ;-; Burberry is pretty expensive - chavs like to dress head to toe in fake Burberry and tracksuits with gold chains. It's horrible.. I had to do team building exercises with them...

Utada Hikaru released her European debut single, You Make Me Want To Be A Man, a couple of days ago but I couldn't find it anywhere in HMV. It's not a very good song and i was going to give it away as joke Christmas presents XD

Anyway, the intensive job-search that they made us do on the course.. we had to do it for 3 or 4 hours everyday (with breaks of course but it was still mind-numbing). We had to look on the internet and in the phonebook and make a list of all the employers we wanted to send speculative letters to.

It's not that different from what I've been doing for the past 6 months! I haven't been sending speculative letters though =/ I've only been looking at local design companies' websites and seeing if they had any vacancies.. i'm not a pushy person and it's totally against my nature to just say "giz a job!" like that guy from Boys From the Black Stuff XD (oh, you americans will probably have no idea what i'm talking about lol)

We had to redo our CVs (some of the chavs didn't even have one) and write cover letters according to their guidelines! I have never used centered text in all my life but the made me do it! We also had to include information about the New Deal in the letters as an added incentive for the employers. They also told me to omit that I can speak Cantonese in my list of skills.. because I have to avoid giving them anything that could be discriminated against - sad but true (but I've got "working for my parents' Chinese Takeaway" in the employment history XD won't they put two and two together?)

They set us targets like "send 10 letters out everyday"... there aren't that many companies in the phonebook! Usually I would include a CD with my work on it but I did't have anything prepared..

It might sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I've had 5 replies in one week! That's five more than I've had in the past 6 months!

I need a job ;-;

Some of you might be sick of hearing about my job-hunting exploits for the past couple of months and probably wish I stopped talking about it - ME TOO!

I had five interviews last week but I had to reschedule three of them because of a bus strike.

Two of them were for web design companies, one was for a data entry job, one was an office job and the last one was for a retail job.

I've been offered the data entry job and I've accepted it - but it doesn't start for another two weeks so I'm going to see how these other interviews go and if I'll get a better offer! It's £7-£10 an hour but the hours are from 10pm-6am x_x

The web design company i went to on Tuesday, Milestone, was interesting - it was my first ever interview!! I think it was disaster ;_; They tell you always be positive and never say you can't do anything.. it felt like I couldn't do anything and I had virtually nothing to show him!!

He got me to work on some sites he was developing to see what I could do - and I was working SO SLOWLY >_< I think it's a combination of nerves and the fact that I've only been using Flash and Illustrator for doing personal bits and pieces for the past 6 months... I had to figure out how to use Dreamweaver again x_x

I've worked there for a total of 2 days - two afternoons and one full day - and he's only mentioned in passing something about a trial or training period and he'll look into the New Deal (a government scheme that pays employers to employ a person who has been looking for work for over 6 months). I hope he gives me an offer soon but will it be more than £7/hour? XD

I'm so conflicted right now.. I DESPERATELY need money but I also really want a job that I'll enjoy..

Web design isn't a simple 9-5 job either - you have to work odd hours and often take your work home with you - which is another problem because I have to work for my parents at 5pm because they can't afford to hire anybody!

I really can't decide! Can't someone decide for me?! XD

Ok, I'm going to list the Pros and Cons of each job:

Graphic/Web designer:
Pros - it's a job a really want to do and i know i'll love doing it
Cons - working after 5pm, taking work home, it might be poorly paid because I'm inexperienced

Data Entry
Pros - £7-£10 per hour
Cons - horrible hours, mindless work, no job security, no resposibilty (is this also a pro? lol)

Pro - err.. i guess the hours are ok
Cons - i'll hate it, it pays sod all

Office job
Pro - the hours are good, i can carry on working for my parents in the evenings, there's little responsibilty so i don't have to bring my work home
Cons - i'll be an OL!! (Office Lad)

So far the Data Entry job and office job are looking pretty good. I really want the designer jobs but i can't work odd hours and they probably won't pay very well because i have no experience...

The only reason I can take the Data Entry job is because that's when my parents' shop closes... I'll be a night worker! I'll be working 2 jobs!! I'll be sleeping during the day and working at night ;-;

Maybe if I take the data entry job, save up the money to buy the computer programs I need and then I can become self-employed! It's another possibility but it sounds scary and complicated.

Hopefully this will all be decided by the end of next week after I've attended all the interviews..

Wish me luck!


This blog isn't very user friendly - you have to add links directly into the code and save it and then publish it again

Yay new blog!

I decided to follow Sabaku and create a blog here.

I'll use this more for my personal stuff and leave my Goo Blog for the mp4s

The selection of themes isn't a large as Goo's - hopefully they'll have some cuter ones later OR i could design my own - i'm supposed to be a designer after all ^^;